My journey with Superfoods

Natasha Formby
5 min readMay 16, 2022


Since the Coronavirus pandemic started in 2020, it has highlighted the importance of our health. Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson is famously quoted explaining “the first health is wealth” (1806), meaning we have nothing if we do not have our health. Life before the pandemic and worldwide lockdowns was different for everyone, from my own experience I can attest to this. Our daily routines and priorities were all put into perspective when we were put into a nationwide quarantine.

Some of us wanted to make changes to improve our lives, everyone used their time differently to get through quarantine. People started to use there 1 hour exercise a day (a quarantine rule) to get out the house and be active, even if they were not active before quarantine. Others started a new hobby or learnt a new art; some even just took the time to rest because they likely hadn’t had a break like this in months or years! we had time to stop and focus on us. Within all the chaos came some calmness.

Before the pandemic I never thought about what I was putting into my body or how it was affecting my health. I was consuming a high number of processed foods and junk food, I rarely ever cooked for myself, I would usually eat takeout most nights or buy something easy to make, such as pizza or microwave meals, a typical student diet which is fast and convenient.

My energy was always low because of my unhealthy eating habits and overworking myself, which caused me to feel fatigued. I always felt run down before the pandemic, I would get ill a lot because my immune system was so weak. I never exercised and barely drank water, so my body was lacking a lot of what it needs to function properly.

The Quarantines from the Pandemic forced us to stop, we had no choice but to stay at home because we were not allowed to leave our houses. Being at home every day, life seemed to have paused and I, just like everyone else in the world, was able to focus on the stuff that matters the most such as family and health. My daughter was 2 at the time of the first lockdown and it was important to me that neither of us to catch Coronavirus, so I decided to make important lifestyle changes.

It was my goal to get me and my family on a healthier lifestyle that consisted of eating highly nutritious foods to help strengthen our immune systems. I have done a lot of research into ‘superfoods and the nutrients are body needs. I utilised my time at home throughout quarantine to learn how to cook and learn about the importance of fresh food and how it can change your life.

At some point, everyone has heard of the term ‘Superfoods’, but what are superfoods?

Superfoods are natural foods from the earth, which can range from plants, fish, dairy, and grains. These foods are known to be highly nutritious and rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals.

Example of a healthy food shop, taken by myself.

Foods that are categorized as superfoods can help strengthen our immune systems and help to combat inflammation, and therefor can help prevent and treat many diseases. Chronic Inflammation is known to contribute to heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, fatty liver disease and even cancer. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for our health and wellbeing.

“Research shows that what you eat can affect the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) — a marker for inflammation — in your blood. That could be because some foods like processed sugars help release inflammatory messengers that can raise the risk of chronic inflammation” (The Mayo Clinic). The Mayo Clinic is a non-profit organisation centred around health, education, and research.

Unfortunately, some diseases are hereditary, such as Arthritis. Some of my family members suffer from Arthritis and over the years I have felt symptoms myself, which I know can get worse with age. Arthritis is a relatively common condition that causes pain and inflammation of the joints in our body.

Once I learned through researching about Superfoods of their life changing effects, and what can happen when consuming a high anti-inflammatory diet, for someone who suffers with arthritis it encouraged me even more to incorporate superfoods with their highly anti-inflammatory into my daily diet.

Superfoods such as broccoli, kale, Brussel sprouts and cabbage are known as ‘cruciferous vegetables’, according to the Mayo Clinic, they each contain a phytochemical called sulforaphane, a known powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The Mayo Clinic also states that consuming superfoods which have high phytochemical levels can help combat depression. According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), approximately 280 million people in the world suffer from a form of depression.

Garlic, ginger, and turmeric are all categorized as superfoods, they are used in cooking to add flavour and spice, however they each contain powerful properties. Garlic is a great source of Manganese and Vitamin C, whereas ginger and turmeric are proven to have medicinal benefits and to be anti-inflammatory.

Honey, lemon & ginger tea to strengthen immune system.

I have seen great results by incorporating superfoods into my daily diet. Some of the changes I made, starting with breakfast, included switching sugary cereals for a healthier alternative, either oats with blueberries or avocado with egg on toast, both highly nutritious, filled with vitamins and antioxidants. I replaced my morning coffee with green tea, which is also classed as a superfood due to being high in antioxidants and improving heart health.

Oats, blueberries and seed mix for breakfast made by myself.

Rather than eating a highly processed meal for dinner, I now aim to have a high protein meal with salmon or chicken, salmon is also in the superfood category. I like to pair my protein with another superfood such as sweet potatoes, or rice. Since I have been cooking my food fresh and consuming a variety of superfoods, it is shown in my energy levels and day to day motivation. I have noticed I get more work done than I did before, but I still have more energy and I do not suffer with fatigue as badly as I did before the pandemic.

Chicken, rice and kale meal made by myself.

My life has changed for the better since I started to practice a healthier lifestyle, I wish I would have realised sooner how my unhealthy diet was affecting my overall mood and life. I want to share my story with others who could be suffering with fatigue, a disease or even just lacking certain nutrients, thinking there is nothing to help it like I once thought. Incorporating superfoods into your daily routine can improve your life and the results speak for themselves.



Natasha Formby
Natasha Formby

Written by Natasha Formby

Journalism with PR Student at Salford University

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